(preview some spoilers)

First scene opens in a bar, where a very good stripper is entertaining. She has really got the whole bar going. She is dressed as a cowgirl, a complete outfit with hat and guns. A young man is standing at the counter, he is more than stunned; he looks like he has never seen anything like it before. Sudddenly she fires the two guns up in the air, and if she did not have the attention of the audience before, she certainly has now. The guns are real guns, rude awakening for the entire crowd in the bar. While she robs everyone in the bar for their money and other possessions, the bartender takes out a shotgun, but the young man, Elton, grabs it. He spontaneously sees a chance to be a part of the fun she is obviously having. The girl is stunned; this comes totally unexpected for her. She plays along, seeing a chance to get a partner, and brings him into the game.

Upon his arrival, Winston MacBride searches Elton´s trailer for leads. With him is the local sherif, and Elton´s parole officer, Sarah Steenburgen. Both the sherif and Steenburgen are having trouble believing Elton could take part in an armed robbery.

Elton and the girl have stopped at a barn to collect some of Elton´s personal stuff. Among his things are several handguns and revolvers.

Meanwhile Steenburgen keeps telling Winston what a nice, quiet guy Elton is, and Winston keeps telling Steenburgen that Elton actually killed his own father. Back at the policestation, Winston has barguests in for questioning. Steenburgen is very uncomfortable about Winston and a barguest discussing the stripper´s outfit in details. But other than describing her bra-size and the way she danced, the barguests do not help Winston much. Some of the other officers do however find out who the girl is, and while Winston is trying to get more information about why Elton suddenly hooks up with a stripper, Steenburgen walks around in his heels, worrying about what could have happened to Elton.

In the meantime, Elton and Sherry rob another bar. While Sherry seems very trigger-happy, Elton is calm, and very interested in the toy train driving around on the counter. They flee in the car, but only to drive a block down the road and check into a motel.

Completely wiped, Winston has fallen asleep on a chair, feet on the desk, head backwards and mouth wide open. He has a cup of hot tea standing on the desk. When the sherif suddenly slaps him on the leg to tell him another bar has been robbed, Winston startles and spills the tea all over the desk. It is just one of those days…

In the bar, Winston talks with the bartender who describes the two robbers. The toy train is still driving around on the counter. Suddenly Elton and Sherry walks into the bar, trying to rob it for the second time in 12 hours. Shots are fired, and Winston gets caught in the middle of it. He quickly hides behind the counter, and while Elton seems a little insecure as to what to do, Sherry is extremely tense. Once again, Winston tries to talk his way out of a wound up situation, but in the end he has to give up his weapon, and places it on one of the wagons on the train. Elton and Sherry lock everyone up in the bar´s walk-in freezer, and escape once again. Elton has taken the train from the counter, telling Sherry that it is for Elton Junior.

A while later, the fire squad breaks open the door to the walk-in freezer, and Winston comes out first, very cold, and VERY angry! Things are not going the way he expected.

Back at the policestation, Winston is getting pretty uptight, trying to figure out where Elton and Sherry are headed. He expected to be back for his daughter´s birthday, but things are not working out for him at all.

While taking the car through the carwash, Elton and Sherry are having a talk. She is happy-go-lucky; he seems worried about the recent development of things.

Winston and Steenburgen hit the road, and while driving it suddenly dawns on Winston that the brand new babycarriage they found in Elton´s trailer is a lead as to where he might be headed. He gets it verified at the sherif´s office, and they try to find out whom the babycarriage might be for.

After a failed raid against a motelroom where Winston suspected to find Elton and Sherry, he is getting very tired and very fed up with the whole situation. Once again back at the policestation, Winston receives a phone call from a friend in vice, telling him where Elton and Sherry are headed. Apparently they are on their way to New Orleans, and Winston finally feels confident that they will be caught soon.

Back in the car with Elton and Sherry, they start disagreeing about where to go. She wants to go to New Orleans, he wants to go to Kansas to give little Elton the train.

As Winston is studying the maps, the sherif comes in and startles him once again, and the whole stand with the maps collapses on the floor. Deep sighs from Winston, this is definitely not his day!

Crisis meeting at the policestation. Elton and Sherry have robbed a gunshop, and shots have been fired. Steenburgen is convinced that Elton did not fire the shots. Winston looks very tired as he tries to explain his point of view. Everything he ever learned in the Marshal Service does not apply this time.

On the road somewhere in Kansas, a patrolcar finds a load of coldcut dumped on the road. Elton and Sherry have high-jacked a truck. Elton gets more and more suspicious with Sherry, and tells her to hand over her weapon. He does not trust her anymore.

Evidently very annoyed, Winston has roadblocks set up, but once again, Elton and Sherry escapes. Winston and the other officers finally stop the truck, but only to find that Elton and Sherry have already escaped, taken another young couple´s off-roader and given them the truck. In the back of the truck, Winston finds Sherry´s car. The young couple tells Winston that Elton took the train with him, in order to give it to Elton Junior. Winston finally feels he is on the right track.

Back with Elton and Sherry, Elton has taken control of things and tied up Sherry. They are in the off-roader, not far from the house where Elton Junior and his mother are supposed to be.

Meanwhile, Steenburgen arrives at the house, finding that Elton Junior has not been born yet, but his mother, Nancy, is overdue, actually she is already in labour. When Winston realises this, he gets the babycarriage flown in from Elton´s trailer. Outside the house, police officers get into position. But Elton cleverly distracts them, and gets into the house with the tied-up Sherry.

Steenburgen and Nancy, who is in heavy labour now, have hidden in a closet upstairs, while Elton and Sherry are downstairs. Elton thinks Nancy is at the grocery store, and prepares to wait for her. A little while later Winston comes up the stairs to the porch, dragging along the babycarriage. Elton, with a gun in his hand, lets him in, and Winston begins to talk his way out of the situation. He sits down, and watches how the hogtied Sherry tries to talk Elton into letting her go.

Upstairs in the closet, Nancy gives birth to a babygirl, and the baby´s first cry is heard downstairs. While on his way up the stairs, he meets Steenburgen going down, with a bundle in her arms. Some commotion follows, and Elton is disarmed and arrested.

After Elton and Sherry have been taken away, Steenburgen worries about what will happen to Elton, and Winston tells her that if he testifies against Sherry, the judge will mostly likely give him a mild sentence.

Safe home again, Winston is late for his daughter´s birthday, but brings along the nicest birthday present a child would ever want.  (a puppy!)

(Written by Jette Odgaard Villemoes, Sept. 1998)

Thank you Jette for another GREAT review!


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