Neither of them were paying attention to the blaring TV, even though the news flash would affect them. Winston rested peacefully with Sally. Her head was on his chest. They had 'made up' as soon as he had returned home.

When she saw that he had been shot in the left arm, she had felt guilty for being mad at him when he had tried so hard to apologize before leaving to apprehend Veronika.

There were things that Sally wanted to know, questions to be answered.

Although Win had discussed the events with her, and she knew his life had been in grave danger, he didn't like sharing such facts with her, and was afraid she would worry.

Their blissful rest was interrupted by the sound of Winston's pager going off. As he reached over to the bedside table, and fumbled to grasp it. Sally stirred from his chest. The sole source of light in the bedroom came from the TV, and though it was dim and constantly fluctuating, it provided enough light for him to read the display on his pager. It was the office.

"That's kind of in-humane?" Winston thought. "So soon, and given the circumstances of that last assignment."

Reluctantly he dialed the number and Sally slowly started to awaken. The peaceful aspect of her face melted with each passing moment as she reached complete awareness.

"Don't tell me Win, let me guess. Your office?" Sally questioned sarcastically. "I don't want to you leave. You just got home, and I desperately need to talk with you."

"I am sure they have just a question or two. I will clear everything up with this phone call." He kissed her softly on the forehead.

"I'm sure." Sally murmured.

"Ollie? What's up. I just got home a few hours ago." Winston asked into the receiver.

"Winston!!!" Ollie was practically shouting, "where have you been? I have been calling your house for hours. I didn't think you would be anywhere else. I just paged you out of desperation."

Winston looked at his phone. He had not wanted ANY disturbances and had turned off the ringer.

"Sorry Ollie, I didn't hear the phone ring. What is so important? What time is it anyway?"

"It is 2:30am. You mean you haven't heard the news?"

"News? No what news? I got home and was spending time with my wife."

"Well, kiss her good-bye and get your pants on and get in here. Veronika escaped. The two officers escorting her...they were killed." He paused offering them a respectful moment of silence. "An ambulance driver was injured. Did you inform the officers of how ruthless she was?"

Winston sat bolt upright in the bed dumping Sally off her comfortable spot on his chest. A resentful look appeared on her face.

Winston apologized to her with his eyes but held one hand up to indicate the importance of this call. "Ollie, now wait just a minute. I left explicit instructions with the officers. You can't blame me for their deaths!"

"Right now I don't care MacBride. All I want is you, on the case, tracking her back down, and that's an order!" Ollie slammed the phone down.

Winston hung up the phone and turned his attention away from his wife, and searched for his clothes to get dressed.

"I was right, wasn't I? Sally's tone was very irritated, but her eyes followed his every move, wondering if there was anything she could say as he pulled on his jeans. "You have been called out again. I told you I really need to talk with you."

"I know." He leaned over the bed and kissed her softly. "I need to talk to you too. It is not that I have a choice. It is my job. I have to go, even though I don't want to."

She pulled the sheet around herself and sat up in the bed. "Win, you don't understand.."

He was finishing up the last of the buttons on his shirt. " You may not think I understand, but I do. I will get this taken care of and be back as quickly as possible." He sat down beside her on the bed and looked directly at her. "You know I have worked hard to be the top man in my field and with that comes responsibility, you understand that?"

Sally looked down to avoid his stare. Her eyes started to fill with tears and she didn't want him to see that she was so close to crying. It was not her intent to make him feel guilty. There was nothing she could say without giving away her flood of impending emotions; she only nodded approval to what he had just said.

"OK, I've got to go catch the one that got away." He reached for her, to give her a hug.

Sally turned away. He'd hurt her and she couldn't help feeling there was more to her reservations this time.

He left quickly, fearing he wouldn't be able to leave if he stayed another moment.

MacBride was plenty hot when he stormed into Ollie's office.

"I don't appreciate being called in to do your dirty work, and I don't appreciate you accusing me of not properly briefing the officers that were to accompany Veronika to the hospital." Winston stood in front of his boss's desk with his hands on his hips. "Did it ever occur to you that I would do everything in my power to make sure she would remain in custody? Do you think I track down killers like her for the hell of it? Like I get some sick enjoyment from it? I do my job, and damn well, I might add."

"Look MacBride, it has been a tough couple of days for us all."

"Tough for all of us? Did I miss something? I believe I was the only one who was shot Ollie. You need to find someone else to do this. There are other trackers, get one of them."

"Winston, you are the best man I have and you know it. I am not trying to patronize you. Look, you know her better than anyone else. If I have to pull someone else in on this thing, we will just lose time while they familiarize themselves with the case. After this is over, you get time off, I promise...and one more thing, hand over your pager."

"My pager? What on earth for?"

"I've been trying all day to reach you. If you're going to go after her, you're going to have one that works."

Winston handed him his pager. Ollie inspected it and tossed it in his desk drawer. Then he fished around for a little while and pulled out another one. "Here, use this one, it looks as if it even has your same number on it."

Winston looked skeptically at Ollie for a moment then turned on his heel and strode out of the office mumbling, "A boss or a mother hen?"

"I heard that MacBride." Ollie didn't even look up from his paperwork.

Winston set about the task of trying to figure out where he might find Veronika.

As he reached his car parked on street a block way from his office, a thought occured to him. "What if..No she would not do that again..would she??" He looked in through the window into the back seat. "Nope, no Veronika this time." Then to himself he added, "Too bad. It would have been nice to capture her that easily and get to go home." He sighed, climbed in and started to pull away. He grabbed his phone.

Searching for the right phone number he decided to head towards the hospital where she was 'supposed' to have been brought to. He would start from there to see if anyone had noticed where she might have gone. While there he could also pay a brief visit to the injured ambulance driver.

Pulling up to the entrance, Winston stopped the car, sat back a moment and pondered. "Man what a night," Winston sighed as he left the car and walked up towards the emergency entrance.

Looking around, he spotted the information booth and walked slowly toward it. "Excuse me, ma'am?" Winston said in a low husky voice which did not get the notice he deserved. The older lady not only did not look up at him, but was also ignoring him...

"Hehem.."Winston cleared his throat..

"Excuse me, my name is..." Winston was about to say when she pointed to a number card and then returned to her work.

Winston, confused for a moment..realized she just asked him to take a Number! Staring at the damn thing for a moment, he realized that if he did not take one, she would never address him. He looked around, and seeing no one else waiting, he grabbed at the number and held it up for the woman to see...

"Yes..." The older woman said, as sweet as could be.

Winston wished he was someplace else. Usually his steely blue eyes were able to charm most women, but they were wasted on her.

"Can I help you?" She continued.

"Yes you can, my name is Winston MacBride, Deputy U. S. Marshal-" He started saying.

"Yes, what can I do for you?" She interrupted.

"You can tell me where the injured ambulance driver is, so I may ask him a few questions.."

"Oh that is not my job sir, you need that booth over there.." The woman pointed towards a very long line of people waiting to see another old lady, each with a number of their own.

Winston wanted to scream! But he straightned up...looked through squinting eyes, thanked her for her time, and walked over to the lady at the counter, the sign above saying, "serving number 23". He took his number looked at read 49. Winston looked up, shut his eyes tightly, mumbled under his breath and then took a seat.

While Winston waited impatiently for his number to be called, there was a disturbing situation going on at the other end of the the basement.

Veronika looked at the doctor that she held at gun point and had pushed ahead of her. As his hands trembled, he looked nervously at the gun pointed at his chest.

"You are going to take this bullet out of my!" Veronika yelled at him while she moved the gun up and down his chest, then pointing it at his groin. She was not going to give him a chance to say no.

The doctor looked around at the supply room, contemplating his next move. Veronika sensed his thoughts and pointed the gun right at his throat. "Look, if you co-operate, you live. If you don't, I will kill you and get someone who will. Understand?"

The doctor nodded his head in response to her warning and started to grab the instruments to prepare for the operation.

"You know we need to go to another room to do the actual operation?" He grabbed cloth, bandages, stitching needles, cotton swabs, anaesthetic for freezing, sissors, and scalples to cut.

"I think this room will be just fine, quiet and secluded. There is no one to hear us."

Half-an-hour later, Winston, bored, self-recriminating, exhaled his breath in a huff, "this is going to be a long night.."

"number 29?" The elderly lady called out.

MacBride looked around in his seat, wondering what went wrong to make him be here instead of in the loving arms of his wife.

"This is ridiculous!" MacBride said under his breath, glancing at the person on his left for approval.

He was met with a cold stare and an increased resolve to not let him go first.

"I wonder if you were dying, would they would let you go first?" The older man on his right asked, leaning towards him.

Winston looked at him and smiled. "A man after my own heart." He thought, and then spoke aloud, "I wonder that myself.."

"Well it has been at least 1/2 hour for me so far..What number do you have there son?" The old man asked, trying to start a conversation.

Winston lifted up his number and showed it to him, along with his badge. The man looked at Winston's number, the badge and back at his number.

"Son, it lookes like you need this number more than me, here you go..take it," the man said with determination.

Winston looked at the thoughtful man, smiled and decided to take him up on his offer. "Thanks," Winston said and added surprise as he noticed he was next.

"No problem." The man smiled.

"Next." The lady called.

"I'll take that," the man from Winston's left jumped up, snatching his number, tossing his own on the old man's lap. I was here before you!"

Winston stared wide-eyed as the man turned his back to him, and strode confidently toward the counter.

Winston couldn't believe it! He looked over at the old man sitting next to him.

"Ah, look at that. Only a few less than your own," he delicately handed the number 42 to Winston.

"There is no God." Winston thought to himself.

Much later, a very tired Winston reached the counter...

"Hi, my name is Winston MacBride and I am a Deputy United States Marshal, I would like to see the ambulance driver that was hurt in the shooting this evening." As he said this he showed the lady his badge.

The lady looked at him with wide-open eyes, "Mr. Marshal," she intoned in her most pleasant voice, "Why didn't you come and see me right away?" Before he could say anything she told him to go down the hall to intensive care and ask for Doctor Holigreggen. He's the doctor that treated him. I'll call ahead, they'll take you to him right away."

Winston straightened himself up slowly, thanked her and turned away, wondering what else was about to go wrong tonight.

Before leaving he gestured to the man that had given him his number, and then to the nurse he spoke softly, "this nice man here is next." He winked at the old man and left quickly down the hall.

Winston arrived at the ICU. He walked up to the nurses station, and flashed his badge to the clerk. "Winston MacBride, US Marshal," he stated authoritatively, "I would like to speak with a Dr. Holigreggen about the injured ambulance driver."

The busy nurse paused long enough to let a smile creep across her face. She looked up at him admiringly. "For you, 'handsome', I will call him right away." She picked up a phone to page him with, then looked up, " Mr. Harris is in room 110, on the right."

Winston mumbled as he stretched his arm and opened up the door. Inside was the ambulance driver covered with a blood stained cloth around his shoulder and tubes coming from his arm to a monitor on his right.

Quietly he walked in and stood by the bed. Winston looked around the room and wondered just what happened to him, when he started to stir.

"Mmmmm." The man said as he moved his arm. The man was in pain.

"Hi," Winston whispered softly to the man in the bed. "My name is Winston MacBride, Deputy US Marshal."

The man stirred again and opened his eyes. He looked around, slowly focusing on Winston and mumbled a hello. Winston came closer and bent over the man.

"What do you want?" the man asked, rubbing his forehead.

"I need to know what happened in the ambulance tonight? Can you tell me anything that might lead me to the woman who did this to you?"

"Hey man," he gestured wildly, "all I saw was, this woman was one moment lying on the stretcher, when we took off to the hospital, the next she was up and fighting with the officers in the back. I heard a gun shot, then something went through my shoulder. From there all's I remember is the pain." He remembered it to himself. " fire." He added as he tried to sit up, but the pain was too great and he lay back down.

The doctor came in and seeing Winston, was surprised. "Hey, who are you?"

Winston stood up and faced the doctor. "My name is Winston MacBride, I am a United States Marshal, I came here to ask this man some questions about the accident. Winston looked at the doctor and flashed his badge for the doctor to see.

The doctor took the badge from Winston and then gave it back. "Well Mr. MacBride, what can I do for you?" he said in a stern, annoyed voice.

"Well to begin with, you can fill me in on the officers that were killed." Winston said while putting his badge back in his pocket.

The doctor looked at him then turned away towards the door. "I'll be right back." He said in a quiet voice.

Winston took a seat and waited for the doctor to come back.

"Hey man," the man in the bed said. "Look it an't my fault. That woman was crazy! I mean really crazy! She just jumped up out of the straps like they were made of paper, man. I never seen anything like it." He said as he tried to rise again.

Winston looked at him while he spoke, understanding everything. Veronika was a pro. She new exactly how to get away. "I know, there was nothing you could do Mr. Harris."

Just then, the Doctor came in with a folder. "Here, there is not much in there though, it just states that the officers in the back were shot point blank in the chest, and this man, Hr. Harris was shot in the shoulder with the same gun. It belonged to one of the officers.

Winston took the folder from the doctor and looked over the sheet himself. Yes there was not much in it. "Thanks." Winston said and put the folder under his arm and thanked Mr. Harris for his co-operation, and left.

Winston walked very slowly toward the elevator. "Ya, right," he cursed himself. "Like I'm supposed to know Veronika. I'm supposed to put my life on hold to search the continent for her. How am I supposed to know where she is?" He rubbed his forehead. He was tired and Veronika had given him a terrible headache. "Right now the only thing I know is I've got a wife waiting for me in bed, and I'd like this whole thing over with. I could care less how." He reached the elevator. "Oh Veronika, where are you?" He looked at the folder under his arm and opened it hoping to find her in there, he sighed. Then he smiled and as the elevator doors opened, he found himself mumbling, "come out, come out wherever you are..."

Winston was looking down at the report in his hands, when he realized there was someone in the elevator with him. He turned towards the doors as they closed, and the hairs on the back of his neck stood straight up. As he started to turn around a sharp pain laced through his head and as everything went black, he heard in the background a squeal of delight. "Oh! My baby, did I hurt you?"

***************** (time passes) ***********************

Winston had the sensation of movement as he started to come to. Trying to move was an effort; his hands were cuffed behind his back and he was lying face down on a cloth covered surface. Bump bump. He realized as his head started to clear that he was in a vehicle.

"Where am I?" He painfully asked the driver with a voice as rough as the road they travelled on.

"Why Winston, you're awake." A pretty voice answered him.

"Veronika!" Winston said in his mind desperately wishing his memory of her voice had been only a nightmare. He tried again to move, but sadly gave up and groaned. But a subtle wiggle of his legs confirmed to him that his feet were not bound.

"Oh I am sorry Winston, but I needed you to come peacefully. I could not have you try to take me in. " She said in her best *sorry* imitation.

"Veronika." Winston said as he tried once again to rise. "You are not going to get away with this. They will come looking for us." Winston desperately hoped she would listen to reason.

"Oh Win, how sweet! You're worried about me?" She answered him. "You know how much I love that. I just can't wait to get you home." She sighed as she took a corner onto an even bumpier road.

"Home? Where are you taking me?" Winston asked.

"Now, you know how I like patient my'll see." Veronika cooed back.

Winston looked around the car, and tried to clear his mind and think. But nothing came to him. He was stuck until he was at her destination.

The road seemed to go on forever. Every bump in the road made Winston more and more desperate to escape. "Veronika!..I'm going to be sick, stop the car...please." Winston asked as he rose to a sitting position finally. He could feel a small trickle of blood run down from the wound on his head.

Veronika looked back at Winston and slowed down. She could tell he was not faking. His face was flushed and he looked pale. "Oh Win, I'm sorry I hit you so hard." She stopped the car completely.

Winston knew this was his only chance. He heard Veronika get out of the car and rush around to open the door for him. "Now!" The door opened, and he kicked, pushing her aside with the door. He moved his legs, and scrambled out of the car. Lightheadedness overcame him and he fell down into the roadside ditch. In a daze he got up and charged towards the bushes.

"Winston!" He heard Veronika call out behind him. He did not stop running. He got a few yards away and stopped to catch his senses, his breath and his bearings. The fresh air cleared his head slightly.

"Winston, this is not funny. You know I can't let you go back."

"Alive." Winston finished her sentence for her. Looking around he found a branch hidden under some leaves. With his hands in hand-cuffs behind his back, he picked it up and leaned up against a tree. He took deep breaths, and his head pounded. He did not hear her come up behind him with his gun and point it toward his shoulder.

"Now Win, don't be stupid, I don't want to hurt you again. It would make me so sad." She whispered in his ear.

Winston looked around and dropped the branch along with his resolve. He needed her help to get back to the car.

"Veronika, look if you take me back, I might be able to help you get a lesser sentence, in prison instead of death?" Winston looked at her.

"Win, I have plans for us..wonderful plans." Veronika said in an excited child like voice," and pushed him toward the car with the gun.

Winston looked ahead and wondered just what did Veronika have up her sleeve. Coming up to the car, Winston turned around and leaned against the door. "Veronika, what do you want?" He asked as he searched her face for some clues.

Veronika stood on her tip toes, leaned against his body, and whispered in his ear. "You."

Winston could not believe what she was saying. "Veronika," he paused for emphasis, "I'm married."

"We'll see about that." She cooed as she moved Winston and opened the door to help him inside. She was careful of his head. "It looks like this wound is going to need some attention."

The drive along the bumpy dirt road was long. It seemed like hours, when the road opened up from the trees to a large field. The road continued along the edge of the field to a large square building. "Well we finally made it here." Veronika said as she stopped the car.

"This is home?" Winston asked as he looked around.

"No silly, get out and I'll show you."

Veronika opened the back door and Winston stood up and took another look around. All he could see was a large plain building, standing alone in the middle of an empty deserted field. Veronika gestured with the gun towards the building. They walked up to the door and walked inside.

Winston realized where he was now. "This is an abandoned air strip. Right?" He asked as he saw a small plane sitting in the middle of the building.

"My, Winston, you're so smart!" Veronika said as she laughed and walked him towards the plane.

"Don't tell me, you have a pilot tied up waiting to take us into the wild blue, to your I right?" Winston asked.

"Winston, you know me, would I bring another person with us on our trip? You know what they say about three being a crowd." Veronika purred, knowing that Winston was just probing for answers. "We do have a little matter to take care of before we board the plane. I need to make sure you don't have any weapons left."

"Do I look dangerous to you? I mean my head is bleeding and I am cuffed."

Veronika tossed the key to the handcuffs to Winston as she kept the gun trained on him. "Uncuff yourself and toss the key back to me."

Winston complied with her demand. "OK, now what?"

"Take off your shirt."

"My shirt? Are you serious?"

"Take it off or I will. I told you I need to thouroughly check you for weapons. It would be treacherous for me to underestimate you my love."

Winston pulled off his shirt. "See? You happy now?"

Pull off your boots and roll up your pant legs."

"Veronika, I am helpless here. How about we just go ahead and board the plane and be off?" Winston tried to stall for a moment trying to think his way out of this mess.

"DO IT! DO IT NOW! You Marshals, always carry a little something extra!"

Winston had to comply. He knew she would find his back-up weapon. As soon as he pulled off his boots and started to roll up his pant legs, she spotted the discreetly hidden .38"

I knew it. Ok just toss it over to me, and stand up and turn out your pockets."

Finally satisfied, Veronika tossed the handcuffs back to him. "Go ahead and put them back on now."

"Is this really necessary at this point?"

"Oh , I think so." Veronika picked up his boots and tossed them in a stand of deep grass.

"Any other objections, give me any further trouble and I will get your pants and socks too. Please get in Winston, I don't want to make you, but I will if I have too." Veronika gestured towards the plane. Once inside, she walked Winston to the back of the plane and handcuffed him to a seat. Then, she went to the front to start the engine."

Veronika looked at Win as he rubbed his head with his hand. Once in the air she set the auto pilot, and told him, "I do hope you are going to be a good-boy."

Win replied, "And I was hoping you would have been a good girl and stayed at the hospital....Alright, I'll be good, where are we going?" he asked quietly.

"I see we understand each other." She stroked his bare shoulder. "My secret place, where we can be alone and not found." Winston leaned back and sighed as he looked at Veronika wondering what to do next. Win's beeper went off, it was Sally, he looked down at the beeper, and hoped Veronika would not throw that out too.

She gazed at the number "AH.... Wilma? I wonder what she wants? "

Winston wished he could answer it and let Sallly know he was ok. Sally was angry that Winston was not anwering his pager. While Winston looked at his pager, Veronika got up and started the small plane down toward a small seemingly deserted island."

"Veronica, how am I going to walk without boots??" Winston asked as she touched down. He wondered how he was going to escape and contact Sally and bring this insane criminal, in once and for all. He looked out the window and saw a lot of trees.

"I think you can manage to walk just fine, or would you like to surrender your socks?" Veronika chuckled.

"No, I'll manage" Winston said as he looked around and back down to his socks.

Veronika uncuffed him from the plane seat and recuffed his hands behind his back.

"All right, one foot in front of the other," Veronika walked behind Winston with the gun pointed at the middle of his back. Winston reached the door of the plane and stepped out. Veronika grabbed Winston's elbow to steer him in the right direction."

"WALK!" Veronika ordered.

"Hey, watch it! I don't have any boots remember?" Winston said, but then immediately broke into a cold sprint disappearing through the trees.

Veronika could see where he was going and let him go. She moved alongside the forest knowing he'd move alongside the swamp and come out closer to the cabin. There she lay in wait for him.

Winston realized where he was and knew he was trapped. His only hope lay in sprinting through the trees faster than Veronika could run around. But his head started to hurt and he saw stars in front of his eyes. He slowed down a little, a little too much. his head was pounding and he was light-headed as he broke free from the forest.

"SNAP!" A small tree re-coiled and flipped up into his face catching him off guard, and down he went in a flutter of leaves, falling to the ground.

"Oh Win, try to get away and I will always find you." She chuckled seeing him rolling around on the ground, covered with leaves from the trap she'd prepared for him.

"I told you to behave, this can be pleasant or painful, you choose," Veronika said as she bent down to assist Winston back to his feet, or whack him with another tree, she wasn't sure which.

Wincing in pain..."I choose pleasant" Winston said still groaning.

Veronika held on tight to his arm, and without further incident they walked to the beach cottage. "I will take a closer look at that head wound at the house." Veronika said.

Once inside, Winston stopped and looked around. The single level cottage was elaborately furnished. The living room had a huge fireplace that all furniture focused around. The kitchen and dining room were open to the living room. Veronika steered him to the left into a lavish master bedroom. It was a nice little place. A place he would be happy to bring his family on a vacation. But now was not the time to think about that.

Winston looked around the bedroom. A huge brass bed was positioned against the far wall, the bathroom was off to the right. "Face down, on the bed NOW!!" she ordered impatiently.

Winston looked at Veronica again and noted the gun. He had little choice. He streched out on the bed and she straddled him and roughly cuffed his hands to the bedpost.

"Now, let me check your wound love," Veronika said in her most feminine voice near his ear. She was gentle as she picked through his hair to better see the wound. " I think you will need a few stitches. Let me get my stuff."

She stroked his bare back as she slithered off him and headed into the bathroom. Winston looked around and saw a window at the end of the room. He tried to get the cuffs off. If only he could get out the window.

Veronika returned from the bathroom, "It looks like only 2 or 3 are needed, do you want me to give you some local anesthetic?"

"No, really..ummm ...thanks. You sure I really need stitches?" He asked wincing.

"Oh yea, I know these things. Just lie back and be real still and it will be all over in a few minutes." She assembled the necessary items on the bed near his head and straddled him again. "OK here goes, I'll try to be gentle, just as long as you behave."

"Are you sure it doesn't just need a bandaid ?"

"NO, it is a gaping wound," she said as the needle pierced his skin for the first stitch. "Such a nice head of hair".

Winston winced and recoiled from a pain, that Veronika's enjoyment made far worse.

"That first one is always the worst!" Veronika stated as she rubbed Winston's shoulders to try and get him to relax. "You'll be just fine, I know how to take care of you."

Winston fought the overwhelming feeling that he was about to faint, as his beeper went off. Sally was really trying to reach him.

"There, there now, just one more..." Veronika said as she finished up. Winston thought about grabbing the gun, but his head hurt too much from her treatment of the wound. "All done now, you've been a very good boy." She leaned over him in a seductive manner and kissed his temple.

"Thanks, can I go home now?"

" Not quite yet lover. When I get done with you,'ll call this home." She gently kissed his shoulder as she gathered the left-over supplies and slid off him once again.

"Now what? Veronica?" Winston asked over his shoulder, "Can I have a glass of water? And maybe an aspirin for the pain?" Winston hoped this would get Veronica away from him long enough to think up an escape. The main problem was the handcuffs. He tugged at them and reconsidered. His head throbbed with pain. Alright, the main problem is a 'gaping' head wound and my lack of sleep.

"I think I can arrange that," she smiled sweetly.

"Thanks." Winston tried to get the end of the bed post to move while she was in the bathroom again. It was a futile effort as the bed was solid. One thing was for sure, Veronika seemed to like the best things money could buy.

"Maybe, if you promise to be real good , you can take a shower to get the blood out of your hair, Of course, I'll have to supervise." She started the water for the shower and returned with a wicked grin on her face and his aspirin.

She uncuffed him and allowed him to sit-up to take the medication, which he examined first. Then she spilled the rest of the water on the front of his pants. "OOPS! clumsy me, so sorry Winston." He jumped to his feet and glared at her as they both knew it was not a mistake. Veronika giggled in a selfish manner. "Gee, I'm sorry Winston. We are going to have to do something about that."

"Thank you very much.." Winston said sarcastically.

"Well, you're in luck I have some swim trunks in your size, unless you prefer speedos?" Veronika went to a chest and pulled out the swim suits. She held them up for him to examine, and grinned fondly at the small tight-fitting bikini swimsuit.

"I'll take the trunks." Winston without much thought after looking at the two choices.

Veronika pouted at his choice. She really didn't expect him to pick the skimpy ones, but there was always hope. "Good choice, do you need me to help? I will be more than happy to?"

"I can handle it just fine by myself."

"I just can't trust those icy blue eyes."

Winston smiles.."You can trust me Veronica I promise not to do anything, besides, you're still much stronger, with my head wound, you know."

"I have learned one thing Marshal, men make promises they don't intend to keep. She looked away for a moment.

"I'm different", Winston tried to convince her. He desperately needed to win her confidence in order to create an opportunity to escape.

"You're still a man, and what a man you are..." She looked him up and down, smiling.

"Veronika, I'm wet and getting very uncomfortable"

"I really wouldn't mind helping you with your pants."

"Thanks, but no thanks."

"I suppose I should turn my back while you slip off, well you know, and put on the trunks."

Veronika turned and he frantically slipped off his jeans and shorts and put on the trunks quickly.

"Is it safe yet? to turn around that is?"

"Yep, I'm covered sort of." Winston replied as he sat back down on the bed. "I sure would like my T-shirt back."

"But there is blood on it, so it needs to be washed. Besides, it really is a crime to hide such a marvelous chest." She ran her right index finger down his chest and leered at him until she was satisfied that she embarrassed him. Winston shifted uncomfortably standing before her. "Well how goes it with Wilma, did you make up?" Veronika asked.

"Yes Veronika, we were doing just that when I got a call of a woman in an ambulance shooting officers and a driver...Wonder who that was?" Winston replied.

"You mean there is a chance for us? I have more money than the Marshal Service could possibly offer you?"

"It 's not the money, you are a criminal and I have to bring you in." They were in the bathroom now. The water was running.

"Oh Winston, that is such a narrow viewpoint." She said as she ran her hands down his chest."

"I'm married.....and...umm ...well...

"I can fix that; the marriage thing, that is." she purred.

"OH really?"

"I know a little place for the right amount of marriage." She kissed him gently on the shoulder.

"Interesting" Winston said. His discomfort level was rising by leaps and bounds.

"You know I have so much more to offer, more than Wilma ever could. "

"Like??" Winston asked.

"Real companionship, adventure, hot nights..."

"Sounds interesting, me in my shorts...and you in prison stripes."

She ignored his remark. "You would never have to work again. So how about it?"

"Let me think about it" Winston grins.

"Perhaps you are ready? I can wash the blood out of your hair?"

"Sounds good to me...but how about I wash it alone?"

"Win, you know I can't let you do it's get that blood out of your hair. Let me check the water honey. I like it HOT" Veronika winked. "How 'bout you?"

Winston stared at the menacing amount of steam coming from the shower. He winced inside, feeling like a lobster just before it's thrown into the pot.

"Here are the towels for, well...afterwards." Veronika pointed over her shoulder.

"Thanks...afterwards?" He asks not really trying to pay attention to her.

"I think the water is ready are you" She feels it, ignoring his question. "Let me help you with these..pointing to Winstons swim- shorts.

"Ahh look Veronika, as much as I like being undressed by woman, I have to pass on that invitation. You're not to be trusted." Winston backed up a few steps from her. "If I have to take them off, Can you turn around? while I take them off myself? " Winston asked watching Veronika closely.

"You're in my hands now lover," Veronika purred again by his ear. She looked intensly into his eyes and saw he was serious. Like a disciplined child, she turned her back to him.

Winston thought about just darting into the shower, but Veronika would probably leave him alone once he was inside anyway. She was still dressed after all. He quickly slipped off the swim trunks and darted into the shower. Winston sighed as he put his head under the water. The hot water cascaded over his body was relaxing. He found his mind drifting until, Veronika leaned into the shower and gently started rubbing shampoo in his hair.

"Hmm your hair is so soft, I think it will take 2 doses of shampoo." She murmered after a moment of caressing.

Winston's heart nearly leapt out of his chest. What was he going to do to get out of this predicament? He winced a little as the shampoo got into the stitches.

Veronika worked up a lather paying attention to the back where the make-shift stitches were. Winston groaned as the lather ran down his shoulder to his still healing left upper arm.

"Sorry, I know that is tender, I can kiss it and make it better?"

Winston shot a hot look at her.

Veronika pouted and shrugged her shoulders. "Now let's rinse that shampoo out."

Winston closed his eyes for a moment enjoying the feel of Veronika's hands in his hair. He wished it had been Sally here with him.

As the two were in the bathroom washing, a silencer crept through the crack of the open front door, followed by 4 armed men. They were dressed in black with lettering on the back of their jackets. They walked silently through the cottage, then gestured towards the half open bathroom door. They gathered around it, and the lead man held up his hand and gestured quickly...NOW! In burst the FBI & the US Marshal Service!

Thoughts raced through Winston's mind as he saw the officers burst into the bathroom. He tried to back away as they trained their guns on Veronika.

"Freeze, you are under arrest!!" The head man ordered.

"That you Winston?" He yelled. "We thought she had you prisoner but I see now you had it the other way around!" He smiled just grateful to see his friend and co-worker alive, and trying not to laugh.

Winston wanted away from Veronika who trembled next to him like a scared cat. He jumped away, but hit his head on the wall. Shampoo slipped into his eyes and made it impossible to see. He stepped out of the shower and groped for a towel to cover himself.

A younger light-haired man tried not to laugh and failed, at the site of Winston with no clothes on wandering around the bathroom, rubbing his eyes and trying desperately to see.

"Very funny Bill, Cute." He stated grimly, recognizing the voice as he finally grabbed a towel tossed to him. He wished he was somewhere else.

Veronika didn't like the way this situation was going. She snatched a metal rat-tail comb, and using Win as a shield, put the pointed end of the comb to his throat.

"Wait!" Winston yelled, "let me get the soap from my eyes first!"

"Hey, hey Ron, careful now, you're not going anywhere."

Veronika ignored him and pressed the comb deeper into Winston's throat. "If you guys make one move he gets it right in the carotid artery! He would bleed to death before you could think of getting medical attention."

The FBI men backed off a bit, but did not put down their guns, but the marshals did, and stepped away from them.

Veronika looked around for an escape route. "Sorry Win, it's called self preservation."

"Sorry Ron, it's called stinging eyes-" He elbowed her in the face, knocking her down and sprinted away from her to wipe his eyes.

Veronika threw aside the comb as she scrambled to her feet and picked up a gun that had been placed on the floor. Winston, now able to see, also grabbed a gun.

They looked at each other. He thought of all the hurt she had put him and his family through. "Veronika, I have a gun now too, how about putting yours down?"

Veronika looked at him in disbelief. "You Bastard!" She screamed at him. "After all I have done for you! You Liar!, I hate you.." She yelled at him as she pointed her gun back and forth between Winston and the other Marshals. "Winston, you drop it. I have nothing to lose, and it seems you do," she said. "Put your gun down," she warned him again.

Winston looked at her, and realized someone was going to die. But there was something different about her, she looked lost and scared. Something about her now that said she wasn't going to hurt anyone anymore. Maybe it was just that she was naked and dripping with water. He slowly put down his gun.

Veronika looked at the other marshals and put the gun to Winstons head. Now don't try to follow us you pinheads. I think you understand the consequences." She used him as a shield and lead him out of the house and towards the plane. Winston took his time and together they stumbled toward the plane in their barefeet. He at least had a towel around him. Veronika wasn't so lucky.

Veronika smiled, "Well, Win it looks like we are going flying again."

"I don't think so." Winston stated flatly. "I think this is good-bye.

Veronika stumbled and kept walking. "Win, can I keep your towel as a souveneir? She laughed as she looked down at his towel flapping in the wind.

"No, I think you'll have to get your own."

Veronika climbed on-board the plane, and looked back at Winston, and his towel. "We could have been something." She said, but it was more of a question.

Winston eyed her as someone would look at a spot on the mona-lisa. "You could have been something. If it wasn't for your fantasies and daydreams."

The airplanes engine started and without another word, she slammed the door and flew off leaving Winston MacBride standing alone on the beach.

Winston puts his hands on his hips, and started back to the house to get dressed.

Winston walked past two of the Marshals, jumped the stairs to the cabin and walked into the bedroom, and slammed the door. He dressed quickly and emerged to take a seat at the table.

Fred shook his head at Winston and said, "What is it with you two? First the shower, then you let her go?"

Winston looked at him and chided, "I'm not exactly dressed for flying, I have a splitting headache and I'm more than just a little tired of this...Besides, isn't that

upposed to be your job?"

 "It was your assignment," He replied in a short manner to Winston, "And I could forgive a man of a lot of things, but the two of you in a shower?"

"Fred, I was trying to seduce her in to trusting me ugh , so I could get the upper hand and go home. Standard escape procedure. His beeper went off.

Oh Yea, but I don't recall being told to enjoy it so much!" He yelled. After Winston who had gotten up and was headed outside. "I'll want your full report...and don't leave out ANY details!"

"You'll get it" Winston said absently behind him.

Winston made it to the FBI chopper that had brought his rescuers to the little island. He sat it the front seat and activated the radio.

"Hey, what's this?" Fred asked Winston as he caught up to him and overheard him asking to make a personal call.

"What?" Winston looked up after a moment.

"Personal calls on company time??"

"No, my wife. and I am going to call her."

"Do you have to call your wifey now?"

Winston glared so hard at Fred, that he backed away. "I am going to call her now." He picked up a cellular and stepped outside.

"Why? Is the toilet plugged?" Fred (single) sneered.

That was it! Winston had had enough! He stepped outside and grabbed the man and pushed and booted him into the near-by brush as the big man laughed and laughed, unable to control himself.

Exhausted, Winston left the man on the ground and walked away. He reached for the radio again and heard his wife's voice in the headset.

"Hello? Hello?" Sally answered.

"Honey? It's me," he wispered softly. "WIN!" Sally yelled into the phone. "Oh, is it good to hear your voice," Winston sighed gratefully. "Oh Win," she was in tears, at first thinking something terrible had happened to him, then not knowing what to think. But now that she could hear he was okay, anger began to creep into her voice. "So, you finally decided to return my call."

"Honey? I wanted to call, but there have been things happening here that you don't understand. I tried to call earlier, but...but.." He was not sure how to say it so he just blurted it out. " I was kidnapped and now the marshals are here and I just now had the chance to call." He winced with the venom in her voice.

"Kidnapped!! Ha! You expect me to believe that?" She cried into the phone.

"Its the truth!"? He stated loudly back.

"Sniff..Sniff...I..I just wanted to know if you planned to come home, or was I sleeping alone again?? I didn't ask to hear some made up story about a US Marshal being held hostage by a kidnapper!!

"Soon Love, very soon." He reassured her. "I will be there within the hour."

"We need to talk, soon is just not good enough."

"I'm in the middle of some lake, but I'll get a lift home as soon as I can. Sally, I'm sorry..but I..."

"We need to talk, or else there won't be any use."

"Honey, let me get home and we can talk..Please?"

I need an answer, when will you be home?" Sally asked again. "In a few hours at the most...Not too long."

"Don't dally or I won't be here," she cried and then hung up.

"What?!?" He yelled, not understanding.

"What is wrong?? Hello? Hello? Sally?" He listened to the silence of the radio in his hand.

The flight to the mainland, and later the drive home was a blur. As Winston pulled into the driveway, the kids were not there to greet him, but Sally was. She watched as Winston got out of the car, and came to the door.

"Sally, where are the kids?" He said out of breath.

"I sent the kids to my mom and dad's. I told you, we need to talk."

"Wait a minute.." He stared to talk.

"Frankly I am fed up," Sally stated as she walked back into the house.

"What..what are you talking about? What are you fed up about?" Winston asked trying to understand.

"You must think I am the biggest fool." Sally broke down crying.

"What are you talking about Sally? Sally, please tell me what's wrong? Where are you going? Why are the kids at mom's?" he asked as he followed her to the bedroom and found several suitcases filled with her clothes.

"I found lip stick on your shirt collar," she yelled at him.

"What lipstick?" Winston asked. He could not understand what was going on."

"Not my shade might I add," Sally retorted sarcastically.

Winston sat down."I...don't understand."

"I was just going to leave you a note, but I figured I owed it to you to tell you to your face."

"Lets talk this out, you're mistaken..." He tailed off as he stared at her bewildered, she was all he could think about. The whole time, how could she not see how much he loved her?!

"Oh, that's right, play stupid," Sally yelled at him.

"I'M NOT, I don't know where the lipstick came from !" He yelled back.

"Here, do I need to stick the shirt up your nose?" She dangled it in front of him to see.

Winston grabbed the shirt and looked at the stain, oh my god!" He groaned. It was Veronika's lipstick, from the shirt he had been wearing when she kidnapped him before. "It's not what you think Sally" He stated. He got up and walked towards her.

"Ain't that just like a man," She sneared at him. "You must think I am a fool."

"Sally, you know me. I love you I'd never do anything to hurt you..I love you so much."

"I am tired of all the lies," she said quietly as she started to pack another suitcase.

Winston was getting upset. He couldn't believe Veronika could be destroying his marriage.

"You are never home." She stated matter-of-factly.

"SALLY! Please! It is my job..I go all over the country, on cases, you know that!"

"You don't answer your pager..." She went on ignoring him.

"I was tied up!" He yelled trying to get through to her.

"I am tired of sleeping alone half the time , or more" Sally went on and on...

Winston was pacing trying to think. "Sally, you're not listening, I was taken hostage by a hitwaman," he started to explain. "It was her lipstick that got on my collar from the last time she caught me, or I caught her, or well-" He knew it didn't sound that good either.

"So, is it someone I know? Maybe Felton?" She still talked on, wanting to hurt him as much as the thought of him fooling around had hurt her.

Winston was getting frustrated. "Look!...listen....Veronika....the woman I captured a few days ago? Well she escaped the hospital and... It is the truth, call the office. Then Veronika escaped again, this time in a plane."

"I hate to disappoint you, but I am not stupid enough to believe such nonsense." She started to cry again.

"Can't I make you believe me?" Winston begged hoping she would listen to him.

"A Hitwoman! So now you are sleeping with criminals!" Sally was only hearing what she wanted to now. "I guess you really have had me fooled for a long time."

Winston could not help but wince. "Sally calm down."

"Why should I call your boss? So your buddies can vouch for you?" She said as she threw another top into the suitcase.

"They would not do that!" He said confused at what was happening, "I mean they would do that, I mean... admit I'm telling the truth." But the truth was he didn't want Sally talking to Fred right now. Knowing Fred, with one phone call he could write-off 15 years of marriage! "I is the truth" He said quietly as he walked up to her.

"I'm sure, I am the last to know about the affair, and your friends at the office will just cover for you, as usual."

"What do you mean like usual? I have never lied to you!"

"I just don't know what to believe anymore," Sally said sadly.

Winston gently held Sally and led her to the bed. "Sally sit down and calm down so we can talk?"

Sally started to cry softly in his arms. Winston sighed, and held her tight against his chest. "Shhhh, I love you Sally," he whispered softly in her ear.

"I can't take it anymore.." Sally's small body shook uncontrollably in his arms.

Winston held on for dear life. He was afraid he had just lost his wife. "Sally..."

"I told you I have had it, I won't stand for it."

Winston tried to explain again..but lost the words.

"I will not play second fiddle to your mistress!" Sally yelled at him again and got up from the bed and crossed the room.

Winston tried to reach her..."Sally! I have no Mistress!" "Sally please..for gods sake will you listen to me for a moment!" Winston was raging with hurt at the thought that Sally would not even listen to him. "You just don't understand" he tried to hold her again.

Sally began to sob again, and let him hold her close. Wanting to believe him but not wanting to be lied to or hurt anymore.

Winston held her softly and tenderly, and whispered "I love you, and only you" in her ear.

"It's like I live alone, but I'm still tied to you." She buried her face in his chest, and closed her eyes.

"It's my job I'm busy, but I'll quit if it will make you stay?" He stated to her as he stroked her shoulders.

Sally was not sure if she heard him right, "You have to make a choice Win, me or your Job." She closed her eyes praying that she heard him right.

Winston did not hesitate his answer. "I choose you, and our life together.

Sally looked up into his eyes, smiling a little, hoping he was telling the truth. "Can't you transfer to something more stable?" She asked hopefully.

Winston looked down at her, "yes, city work..9 to 5." He said smilling.

Sally put her head on his chest and sighed. " I am just so tired."

"I am too." Winston said quietly, and he was, remembering the last time they had been together, lying in each other's arms.

"It seems I have to do everything myself, I go to bed tired and alone, I wake up just as tired," She trailled off..loving the feel of his chest up against her cheek. It felt soo right.

"Not tonight, or ever again my love' Winston lifted up her chin and he gently kissed her.

"Never knowing when I will see you..." Sally was still frightened.

"shhh, I know, I know" Winston rocked her against him as he stroked her back. Listening to her.

Sally looked up suddenly, realizing what he just said. " mean you will do that for me?" Smilling brightly. "For us?"

Winston smiled back. "I will do anything it takes to make us happy." Sally gazed up into those blue eyes...longing for it to be true, but she knew now that even if it weren't, he loved her and she loved him and that was enough.

Winston smiled a bit and looked back into her loving eyes. He bent down and kissed her. "I love you..." He whispered again, "so much."

"No more beepers?" Sally softly asked as he kissed her.

"No more beepers." Winston replied.

" you have a mistress?" Sally needed to know for sure.

Winston looked at Sallly for a moment then answered. "No, only you."

"How can I be sure?" She asked shakenly.

"Trust me and your feelings" Winston smiled at Sally again, knowing she loved him too. Then gently lifted her up and carried her to the bedroom...

"Oh Winston..." Sally cried with joy...

"Sally...My love...My sweet wonderful love.."

Sally asked once more.."The only one??"

"The only and forever" Winston kissed her again, and his beeper went off.

"Not now! He panicked to himself.

The sadness in Sally's eyes could have crushed his heart.

"I have to answer this." Intoned gravely, already reaching for the phone.

Tears welled up in her eyes. "I know."

He dialed. It was Ollie. "Well done Winston my boy!"

"Ollie-" Winston began but was cut short.

"I just called to let you know how we knew where to find you, would you like to know?"

"Of all the-" he was going to go on about his really bad timing but he was cut off again.

"Your beeper!" No-one here actually believed you'd ever find her again, that is, everyone except me. I bugged your beeper! It still took us a little while though, you know, we never thought of her getting into a plane..."

Winston hung up the phone, and his foot silently closed the bedroom door.

The End.

Written by Kathy Wosnak and Tracy MacNab ( updated version soon to arrive)
Based on the idea and Characters(copywrited (c) from The Marshal Series (that was one GREAT show!!)

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