
Jeff Fahey
aka Raymond Trueblood
" cut up my friend, and now I'm gonna bust you up"
I thought since I loved this movie enough to rent it 5 times and buy it as soon as I could, I would tell you about it, and let you decide for yourself how good it is.

Framed for the murder of a cop, Ramond Trueblood (Jeff Fahey) flees NewYork, abandoning his younger brother Donny (Chad Lowe) to go it alone on the streets.

Ten long years later, Ray returns to find Donny overcome with rage and bitterness and caught up in turbulent and violent struggle with gang warlords. When Ray discovers his brother is a member of the rival gang that framed him for the cop's murder, he is determined to rescue Donny from a impending gang war. Ray sets out to rekindle his relationship with his brother, plan and set the record straight by fingering the real cop killer. (Well, that is what it will say on the back cover when you pick it up for the first time to read. But it does not do the movie justice.)

Here is two young boys (Jeff, 18, Donny, 7, or around there) in a struggle to survive while living in a run down apartment, with a father who drinks and is caught up in a gang war. Raymond promises Donny that he will take him to see their mother in Ohio as soon as he can get the money for the train. He then puts Donny to bed and heads out to revenge his friend who got knived on their turf a few days earlier.

Ray calls out Billy (Spider) Mathers, " cut my friend and I'm gonna bust you up." And procedes in just that. Ray gets in a few good hits, and knives Spiders face before the cops show up and they all scatter. Ray runs to the top of a building with a cop on his heels, and who does he meet up there? Mathers.

Mathers has a gun and after getting Ray to his knees asks him who his the best now, when Ray stands up, Mathers shoots the cop standing behind Ray and takes off. Ray is caught with the gun by the cops partner (played by James Tolkan) Ray gets away and the cop promises his partner that he will get him.

Ray runs home, gets his brother, and heads to the train station. Once there he is spotted by two cops and flees, leaving his kid brother all alone. Ray is chased in a car, and finally gets away. Ray returns 10 years later to get his brother, when he finds out that Donny is in the same gang as Spider Mathers. He realizes just how deep in his brother was, and that he needed to get him away.

There is suspense, action, and a bit of romance (Donny and Jennifer). This is a true low budget Jeff Fahey movie. He does a very good job of acting and there are a few actors that you will recognize.

If you like Jeff Fahey in blue jeans, short hair, (long at first), and on revenge, then you will like the movie as much as me. (it takes a few watching to really enjoy it). There is so much to write that there just is not enought room. So go and rent this movie and see for yourself.

"It is interesting to see that Raymond's dad in this show is also Jeff's dad in real life! "

Review by Trace MacNab