Winston MacBride is a United States Deputy Marshal.

The Marshal, Preview
first episode, first season

The Sinclairs come home from a weekend trip, finding their house broken into. Neighbors have called the police and the house has already been dusted for fingerprints. Mrs. Sinclair freezes inside as she realizes this. She is not what she appears to be. She leaves the house, supposedly to empty the car, but the police is already on to her, and as she leaves the house, patrol cars pull up in front of the house. Her fingerprints were in the FBI computer - she has a record. Although fiercely chased by several officers and police cars, she escapes…

Winston MacBride arrives, and is baffled that they didn´t manage to catch her. They were specifically told to wait for him to arrive. The sheriff is told off by Winston in an ironic way, and Winston takes over the investigation.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Sinclair - on the run - puts out different leads in order to confuse Winston´s search for her.

Winston talks with Mr. Sinclair, who apparently has no clue as to what is going on. He is having a hard time believing that he has been living on a lie for so many years.

By checking account withdrawals and bus reservations, Winston is certain that Mrs. Sinclair is headed westwards, where her daughter Teri goes to school.

In her room at the college dormitory, Teri is getting ready to go to work, she is late. A man comes in and asks if she is Teri. Teri says yes, stunned as he tells her that he is her biological father.

While waiting for Teri in the college cafeteria. Mrs. Sinclair is picked up by Winston. He is disappointed with her, thinking that she being an ex-terrorist she would have been a little more creative in disappearing. Winston gets the impression that she is not trying to hide at all. That she is covering for someone else.

While Mrs. Sinclair is being taken away, Teri and her biological father is driving away. He is explaining to her why he hasn´t been around for 20 years. Teri is crying, Her mother being arrested by the US Marshals and her biological father showing up, all in one day, is too much for her. Stopping at a gas station, they are being surveilled by Winston´s men.

Winston takes Mrs. Sinclair along as he goes looking for Teri and her father. Winston is trying to understand why a woman, trained to disappear lets herself get caught without a fight. Arriving at the gas station, Winston cuffs Mrs. Sinclair to the car before going in.

Meanwhile the two agents surveilling the Sinclair house get the surprise of their life as the house blows up - Mr. Sinclair has left the gas tap turned on, and we are led to believe he has taken his own life in frustration over the events.

At the gas station things get tense as Teri´s father suddenly pulls out his gun to rob the cashier. As Winston approaches the building, Mrs. Sinclair, handcuffed in the car, sets the car in motion in order to distract Winston from what is going on inside. The car rolls backwards downhill and causes a major accident. Teri´s father is alarmed, and flees with Teri. It is obvious that Mrs. Sinclair is trying to distract Winston´s attention from Teri and especially her father. As Winston asks for a run of their licence plate, he is told that the file is locked. Who is Teri´s father, and why is apparently everyone trying to cover for him?

Winston starts looking back in Mrs. Sinclair´s past and discovers several things. Put in a prison cell, Winston gets rough on Mrs. Sinclair to get her to reveal why she is covering for Teri´s father. After leaving Mrs. Sinclair, a CIA agent looks Winston up to tell him to back off of Teri´s father. But when Winston pushes for an answer as to the name of Teri´s father, the agent zips up. Suddenly it dawns on Winston that Teri´s father must be / must have been an informant for the CIA, and he is running partly because he does not want to be found and "debriefed" by the CIA. After having heard about her husband´s suicide, Mrs. Sinclair breaks down and tells Winston the whole story.

Meanwhile Teri and her father have arrived at his house. They have dinner and talk, but Teri is very uncomfortable with the situation. Late in the evening she makes a phonecall. It sounds rehearsed and is probably a procedure she has planned with her mother, if things got out of hand.

At the same time, Winston and Mrs. Sinclair are on their way to the house. Mrs. Sinclair has told Winston that she knows where Teri´s father is hiding, but that he has to bring her along to show him the way.

The next morning a car comes blazing through the gates to the property, it is Mr. Sinclair. The explosion of the house was just a cover-up - he is very much alive. He enters the house, and there is a shootout between him and Teri´s father as Winston and Mrs. Sinclair arrive together with the local police force. Winston searches the house only to find that Mrs. Sinclair - who went into the house immediately upon their arrival - has disappeared with Teri´s father. To find them Winston enrolls Mr. Sinclair in the search.

As night falls, Winston and Mr. Sinclair wait in a car outside the house. Winston is certain that Teri´s father and Mrs. Sinclair are somewhere in the house. During their conversation we sense that Winston and Mr. Sinclair has a plan, and that it has been working so far. Was it also a part of the plan that the Sinclair house blew up? As Winston walks up to the house, Mr. Sinclair starts the car and drives off.

Teri´s father hears the car drive off, and thinks everyone has left. He and Mrs. Sinclair leave the house and runs to a lake nearby, where a boat is waiting for them at the pier. But only to find that Winston is there already. Winston tries to get on the pier from below, but Teri´s father discovers him and pours gasoline all over, threatening to blow up everything. Winston yells "Run!" to Mrs. Sinclair, and as she runs back he dives, and fires one shot. This makes the gasoline explode, and Teri´s father is killed in the explosion.

Winston lets Mrs. Sinclair leave to find her husband, who waits at a nearby ferry landing. The following day Winston reports to his boss that she got away and he does not know where to find her.

Safe home again after yet another job in the US Marshal Service, Winston is welcomed by his two little girls and his wife.

(Written by Jette Odgaard)

A great beginning for this show.   A grabber, It keeps you guessing, but also shows you Winston's charm and wits as he crosses over to help the Activist.  Many thanks to Jette for a GREAT review!!!!!