This is one of my favourite movies of Jeff Fahey. I started watching THE MARSHAL and realized that I had owned SILVERADO for about 4 years before ever knowing him.

Well I finally had a chance to sit down and write a review on another one of my favourite actors Jeff Fahey in the movie smash SILVERADO.
CAST Kevin Kline - Paden Scott Glenn - Emmett Kevin Costner - Emmett's hell-raising younger brother Jake Danny Clover - Mal - John Cleese - Sheriff Langston Brian Dennehy - Cobb Linda Hunt - Stella - Jeff Fahey - Tyree Jeff Goldblum - Stack Brion James - Mr. Hobart - (a small part)
Directed and Produced by Lawrence Kasdan who did RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK and two of the STAR WARS movies. Rated PG-13 approximately - 132 minutes long
Well as you can see this is a full cast line up of great actors that star in this fun-filled Western. The Western is back, the first major Hollywood Western in nearly a decade.

Four unlikely cowboys who band together to defeat a corrupt sheriff and his vicious posse. The opening scene catches you into a whirl wind of action and adventure as Emmett (played by Scott Glenn) is awakened by 4 outlaws shooting at him. After the fight, Emmett heads onto SILVERADO and meets up with a very hot and thirsty Paden (played by Kevin Kline) who was taken at gun point and was removed of his clothes (except his white underwear), boots, horse, gun, hat and was left to die in the heat of the desert. The first words out of Padens mouth to Emmett were "Pleased to meet you", which got to me since seeing what he went through, he still had the manners of a gentleman...remarkable. Together they head onto SILVERADO and stop in a little town for bedding and a good meal. Emmett was supposed to pick up his younger brother Jake and head onto SILVERADO to see their family before heading to California. But Emmett's hell-raising younger brother Jake (played by Kevin Costner) was in jail because of kissing a girl and then defending himself against another man with a gun. Paden did not want to help Emmett get his younger brother out of jail, but then ended up in jail himself after a shoot out in the saloon. They got out with the help of Emmett and high-tailed it to SILVERADO with a posse on their heels. Sheriff Langston (played by John Cleese) was a delight to see a sheriff who, when the "tough gets turn around and go home!" Which was exactly what he does after getting shot at from Mal (played by Danny Glover) who was the best shot around them parts. Together they rode off to SILVERADO and with one stop in between. This is where we meet up with Tyree (played by Jeff Fahey). Paden was in a gun store trying to buy a gun to shoot a man who had stolen his horse, and when he ran out in this long white underwear still trying to load the gun as the man jumps onto the horse, rides towards Paden, shooting, missing, (in the most funny places), then Paden raises his gun and shoots once kills the man, and gets his horse back. This is where he meets up with old friend Cobb (played by Brian Dennehy), who years before used to work for Cobb as an outlaw. Cobb gives him some money to buy some clothes, and asked him to see something he might find interesting. They walked up to the jail and that is when Tyree (Fahey) emerges. Scruffy and mean looking. He mounts a horse, rides over to Paden and asks "Where's the dog?" then rides off. Paden is shocked to have seen Tyree. Cobb smiles, asks him to join them, Paden refuses and Cobb rides off. They finally make it into to town, meeting more stars on the way, Paden meets Stella (played by Linda Hunt) in a saloon, and becomes instant friends. He admired her, and respected her. Cobb is the sheriff of the town and offers Paden a job at the saloon. Paden accepts...There is a lot in this movie to write, and even more stars to meet along the way. But I would like to leave something for you to see for yourself.. I usually find something wrong with a movie, either it was too slow, acting was not good, needed more action, etc. But to be honest in this movie I like it all, and wished they would have made a SILVERADO 2.
Jeff was great as a bad guy and was fun to hate.

I respected all the characters in this movie and thought they did an awesome job of acting. I give this movie a 5 star rating for creativity, acting and entertainment. You will not be disappointed in this movie. With all the stars to watch, it is just fun seeing who played in this movie as well as how well they acted.

By Tracy MacNab


© Tracy MacNab